Guidelines for Erasmus+ Coordinators of Departments/Faculties/Institutes
Dear Erasmus+ Coordinators,
In order to ensure a successful mobility process for the students under your guidance, as well as incoming academic and administrative staff, please check out the information provided below.
If you need information about what different mobility types comprise of, please check out the "For Students" and "For Staff" sections.
Main duties and responsibilities of the Department/Unit Erasmus+ Coordinators:
- Preparing bilateral agreements covering the concerned Erasmus+ period.
- Making new bilateral agreements.
- Counseling students who will be benefiting from Erasmus+ mobility on academic subjects.
- Assisting students in preparing documents such as the learning agreements, add/drop documents, academic recognition certificates, etc, and to approve these documents/forms.
- To start the Faculty Administrative Board Decision process for students so that they will be accepted on official leave for Erasmus+ mobility in the related faculty of Hacettepe University. Following the adoption of the Faculty Administrative Board Decision, to pass the decision on to the EU Office and the related Student Affairs Office.
- To start the Faculty Administrative Board Decision process for outgoing Erasmus+ students for the recognition of the courses that they will take during in the host institution. Following the adoption of the Faculty Administrative Board Decision, to pass the decision on to the EU Office and the related Student Affairs Office.
- To start the Faculty Administrative Board Decision process in cases the student changes his/her courses during the add-drop period. Following the adoption of the Faculty Administrative Board Decision, to pass the decision on to the EU Office and the related Student Affairs Office.
- If the student decides to extend his/her Erasmus+ mobility to the Spring Semester, to approve the extension and to start the process for Faculty Administrative Board Decision to consider the student on official leave and to ensure the academic recognition of the courses to be taken by the student during the extended term. Following the adoption of the Faculty Administrative Board Decision, to pass the decision on to the EU Office and the related Student Affairs Office.
- For the students who have completed their Erasmus+ mobility, to prepare the Proof of Recognition Certificate and to start the process of Faculty Administrative Board Decision for the recognition of the courses that the student has taken during his/her Erasmus+ mobility. Following the adoption of the Faculty Administrative Board Decision, to pass the decision on to the EU Office and the related Student Affairs Office.
- To consul staff in cases where academic and/or administrative staff would like to benefit from Erasmus+ mobility and requests advice.
(!) Please note that all nominations and placements concerning students and staff mobilities are done by the European Union Office. Department coordinators do not have an authorisation or duty to take part in the creation of selection and placement lists.

You may check out the selection calendars for
→ Click here for KA 103 Students' Learning Mobility Selection Calendar
→ Click here for KA 103 Students' Training Mobility Selection Calendar
→ Click here for KA 107 Students' Learning Mobility Selection Calendar
→ Click here for KA 103 Students' Training Mobility Selection Calendar
→ Click here for KA 108 Students' Training Mobility via Consortiums Selection Calendar

In order to ensure that your students successfully complete their mobility, you may check out:
→ KA 103 and KA 107 - Students' Learning Mobility Process Chart
→ KA 103 and Consortiums - Students' Training Mobility Process Chart

You can download process checklists from the links provided below:
→ Coordinator's Checklist for Students' Learning Mobility
→ Coordinator's Checklist for Students' Training Mobility
In order to increase mobility opportunities for your department and students, you may check out our active bilateral agreements.
You may also consult our process chart to see how to conclude bilateral agreements.
(!) If you would like to find out more about how to fill out different types of mobility agreements, you may wish to consult the website of Turkish National Agency. To access the "Agreement Guidelines", please click here.

→ In order to assist your students during the on-line application process, you may check out the on-line application instruction manual.
→ If you need assistance regarding how to use the Erasmus Port on-line system, you may consult our manual for coordinators.